If My Home is in Foreclosure, Can I Buy Another House?
Video Summary
If my home is in foreclosure, can I buy another house?
The answer to that question is: You certainly can. The only impediment you may have is if you go to a federally insured lending institution and apply for a loan. If your home is foreclosed, then after the foreclosure you may be prevented – or you won’t be able to borrow money from a federally insured financial institution for a period of four years.
During the foreclosure action or even after the foreclosure actions, you can buy a home any time you want to. You can of course pay for it in cash, if you have the cash, and then move into the home and it’s protected as far as your homestead is concerned. You can see about owner financing to give some money down and have the owner carry the mortgage, or any other way that you can find to purchase a house.
So there’s no prohibition about buying a house. Some people find themselves with a mortgage that far exceeds the market value of the property. They have good credit and decide that they’re going to give up on that property. They have money, they have credit, and they go out and buy another house and finance that, and then short sell or let the original home that is underwater go. This is called “buy and dump,” and basically there is no problem in buying. And it’s something that does happen.
So yes, you can buy a house as long as you can figure out how to pay for it, either through cash or owner financing.
If you’d like to discuss this with me, give me a call at (727) 847-2288.
- Published in Real Estate - Foreclosure, Videos
If My Home is in Foreclosure, Can the Lender Lock Me Out of My Home?
Video Summary
If my home is in foreclosure, can the lender lock me out of my home?
The answer to that question is: No. Once they file the mortgage foreclosure action, they have to conclude it and get what they call a “certificate of title” showing that they’re the owner before they’re entitled to possession. Even after getting the certificate of title, they must apply to the court for what they call a “writ of possession” before they are entitled to have you removed from the property and take possession of the property.
If the property is abandoned – meaning that there’s no one living there – the lender does have a right under most mortgages to secure the property. And they hire contractors to go out and change the locks and to maintain the property, cut the grass and basically make the property look like it’s not abandoned.
We’ve seen any number of abuses and very aggressive contractors going out and changing locks even though someone may be maintaining the property. However, if you’re living there, I can assure you that they will not come on the property to change the lock. Or if they do, simply call the police, 911, and have them arrested for breaking and entering if they attempt to change the locks on your house.
If you go away on vacation and come back and see they’ve changed the locks, all you have to do is break in and take their locks off because it’s still your property. So you’re not divested of that property until such time as the mortgage foreclosure has been completed. They get a certificate of title and then they have the occupant – whether it be a tenant or you if you’re living there – obtain a writ of possession. If you have tenants there, the tenants have the right to remain in the property for the balance of their term under a federal law that allows tenants to remain in possession even after the mortgage foreclosure.
If you have any questions about your mortgage foreclosure or would like representation, give me a call at (727) 847-2288.
- Published in Real Estate - Foreclosure, Videos
If My House is in Foreclosure, Can the Lender Take Money from My Bank Account?
Video Summary
If my home is in foreclosure, can the bank take money from my bank account?
Well, the bank cannot, unless you bank with the same lending institution where you have your mortgage. So if you have a bank account with Bank of America, and you also have your mortgage or line of credit with Bank of America and you go in default, they may exercise the right of offset to take money out of your account.
If, however, you have your mortgage with Bank of America, and you have your bank account with any other financial institution, Bank of America has no right to attach any of your assets or your bank account whenever you go into foreclosure.
A foreclosure action is one wherein the lender is taking back their collateral, which is called a foreclosure. They are not suing for a money judgment.
In order for them to obtain a money judgment, they must file a supplemental proceeding after the foreclosure action. That’s called a “deficiency judgment action.” And then, if they do obtain a deficiency judgment, they’re then in position to garnish your bank account, or take your bank account or any other assets other than your home or other assets that you may own as husband and wife.
So the answer to the question is: No, the bank cannot take your money or your assets just because they file a mortgage foreclosure action unless you’re banking with them and they may have some right of offset.
If you’d like to talk to me or set up an appointment to discuss foreclosure action, please call me at (727) 847-2288, and I look forward to seeing you.
- Published in Real Estate - Foreclosure, Videos
Thomas Mitchell — What Are Some Highlights of Your Career?
Video Summary
Hi, I’m Tom Mitchell, one of the partners at Waller & Mitchell, and I’m here today to talk to you about some of the highlights of my career.
I’ve had a pretty varied career. I was an attorney in the Navy for twenty years. I graduated from the Naval Academy. I have had the opportunity to do two or three landings and takeoffs on aircraft carriers, which was pretty interesting. I’ve had the opportunity to spend a year in Guantanamo Bay as the head of the legal office down there. I’ve had the opportunity to defend a fellow that murdered two people with a claw hammer, beating their heads in. That was pretty interesting.
So I’ve had a pretty varied career, but I’m now doing primarily probate and guardianship work, and sometimes that isn’t as exciting as the Navy career. (But they still don’t have JAGS that look like the ones on TV.)
Thomas Mitchell — What Areas of Law Do You Practice?
Video Summary
I’m Tom Mitchell, one of the partners at Waller & Mitchell, and I’m here to talk to you today about my areas of law practice. I do practice in the areas of wills and trusts. That is drafting the estate planning documents, wills and trusts, Power of Attorney, healthcare service and the like.
I also do a lot of guardianship work. I do elder law work, which is helping families plan for the incapacitation of a senior member. And I also have a background in tax, so I do all the tax work here in the office. So if you have a chance, stop by or give us a call at (727) 847-2288.
Thank you.