Video Summary
What is the difference between a, Will and estate planning? Well, a Will is part of the estate planning process. Whenever I meet with someone, they say, well, I want to provide a Will. I take it that they want to plan for estate planning to say who they would like to receive their assets whenever they pass away. And one of the ways that you do that is by executing the Will. Most people don’t want to try and avoid probate, particularly if their assets or their assets are fairly simple. Basically, they just have their home bank accounts from a brokerage account that can be planned by having payable on death accounts and, or executing a life estate deed so that these assets pass automatically upon your death. And that’s what you call estate planning. Also, with your estate planning, you, you execute, and we discuss, or I discuss with my clients, about executing a living Will, which says that you don’t want your life prolonged artificially in the event that you are in a permanent vegetative state. Also, a healthcare proxy form called a healthcare surrogate whereby you designate someone to make healthcare decisions for you, and also, it’s a HIPAA waiver. And the third document is a durable power of attorney whereby you authorize someone to handle your business. It’s effective immediately, but also in the event you become incapacitated or it’s inconvenient for you to take care of business. The person you designate as your agent under a power of attorney, is able to transact business for in your behalf for you. They can’t do it for themselves. So, if you have any questions, give me a call at (727) 847-2288.