Video Summary
If I have a homestead exemption in Florida, can my spouse hold a homestead exception in another state? The answer is, “No,” because if you’re husband and wife, the property appraiser determines that it is a family and therefore you’re saying that the family has their homestead or permanent residence in Florida if you have a homestead exemption. Whenever you sign the application for homestead, you say that you don’t have an exemption in another state and that goes for your spouse.
It’s even more difficult whenever people are going through a divorce proceeding and they’re not divorced and they’re separated for some time and they’re not going through a divorce proceeding, whether or not both spouses can obtain a homestead exemption. I know that our local property appraiser, Mike Wells in Pasco County, is really tough on this and in fact investigates any number of people who apply for a homestead exemption to determine whether or not they have homestead in another state. If they do, then he slaps a homestead lien against their property for all the exemptions they received.
I don’t know how other property appraisers are as far as investigating this, but if your spouse is getting homestead in another state, then I don’t suggest you try and get homestead in Florida because if you get caught, the homestead exemption penalties are quite severe. He puts a lien against your property for all these back-due taxes. So I would talk to the property appraiser of you do want to try and do that and ask them before you apply for a homestead exemption here in Florida in your name. If you have any other questions, give me a call at 847-2288. Thank you.