Video Summary

I’m Tom Mitchell.  I’m with the partners of Waller & Mitchell, and I’m here to talk to you today about why I wanted to become a lawyer. 

I was born into a family of lawyers.  My dad was a lawyer, and eventually became a judge, and so I was hanging around lawyers and courtrooms pretty much my entire life.  And I like helping people, and that’s what I get to do as an attorney.  I get to help people try and have positive outcomes from their problems. 

Visit us at Waller & Mitchell.  Thank you.


Video Summary

Hi, I’m Tom Mitchell, one of the partners at Waller & Mitchell, and I’m here today to talk to you about some of the highlights of my career. 

I’ve had a pretty varied career.  I was an attorney in the Navy for twenty years.  I graduated from the Naval Academy.  I have had the opportunity to do two or three landings and takeoffs on aircraft carriers, which was pretty interesting.  I’ve had the opportunity to spend a year in Guantanamo Bay as the head of the legal office down there.  I’ve had the opportunity to defend a fellow that murdered two people with a claw hammer, beating their heads in.  That was pretty interesting. 

So I’ve had a pretty varied career, but I’m now doing primarily probate and guardianship work, and sometimes that isn’t as exciting as the Navy career.  (But they still don’t have JAGS that look like the ones on TV.) 


Video Summary

How does buying a house affect my income taxes?  Well, once you buy a house you can deduct off your income tax the interest that you pay on any mortgage.  That deduction will go away as your income rises, and at a certain level you won’t get that benefit. 

You are also in a position to deduct your real estate taxes.  If you obtain a loan and you have to pay any closing costs or points on your mortgage, that’s considered an interest deduction and can be taken for the year in which you obtain your loan. It’s a prepaid interest charge, and it can be computed if you tell your accountant about it on your income tax for the year in which you buy your home. 

So as a result to purchasing a home you have certain income tax deductions that you can take for your real estate taxes and any interest that you pay on any mortgage that you have (although that is limited or starts diminishing as you make more and more money).  So if you have any questions about that, give us a call at (727) 847-2288.

Video Summary

How does selling your house affect your income taxes? Well if you sell your house for a loss you don’t’ get to deduct the loss.  If you sell your property for a gain you have to pay long term capital gains on the sale of your property, if you’ve lived there for over a year. If you’ve lived there for less than a year well then you have to pay short term capital gains. 

If you’ve lived in the property for two out of the past five years and you’ve occupied it two out of the past five years you can exempt up to $250,000.00 of gain.  If you owned it as husband and wife you can deduct up to $500,000.00 of gain.  So if you sell your house, you can’t take any losses, and if you have a gain and you’ve lived there for two out of the past five years, you can exempt those from your income and you do not have to pay long term capital gains on the sale.

So if you have any questions about selling your home well give me a call at (727)847-2288.


Video Summary

Why should I file an annual report?  Well annual reports are, I believe, due on the first of May and you file those in conjunction with your LLC or your corporation.  It’s a revenue generator for the state of Florida, so you must file an annual report and pay the $150.00 fee.  If you don’t pay it and you want to keep your corporate existence in effect the reinstatement fee is something like $450.00 or $460.00, so the penalty is rather severe.  If you don’t pay the fee, then your corporation or LLC will be administratively dissolved by the Secretary of State. 

The other purpose in filing the annual report is it’s a resource that banks or other people use in dealing with an LLC or corporation to see who the resident agent is, see who the officers are or managing members of an LLC. So if you went to open up a bank account well then they would check with the secretary of state to see who the officers are. 

So, these are very good reasons why you need to file your annual report every year-  because you are going to get dissolved if you don’t and it’s also a resource for people to know who they need to contact in the event that they want to deal with a corporation and verify who the officers of the corporation are, or members of the LLC are.  So if you have any questions or need to have your annual report filed give me a call at (727) 847-2288.