Who Pays Title Insurance?


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Who pays for title insurance?  Well, title insurance is issued in conjunction with the sale of real property.  The sale of real property is governed by a contract between the buyer and the seller.  The provisions in the real estate contract indicate who is to pay for the title insurance premium and the closing cost as well as the other closing costs such as the documentary stamps.  It is controlled by contract.


The Pasco County or Tampa Bay Area it is customary for the seller to pay for title insurance.


If it is a cash transaction the only closing costs the buyer would have would be a home inspection, a survey, termite inspection, and the recording of a deed.  That is the custom in this area, although it is controlled by contract and if you are selling your home you can show that the buyer is to pay for the closing costs and pay for the title insurance.


The title insurance cost is usually shifted to the buyer if you are buying a new home from a developer; they usually shift that cost to you, to a buyer.


Hopefully I have answered your questions about who pays for title insurance and if you are selling your home and would like for me to prepare the contract please give me a call at 727-847-2288.


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Should I sign an exclusive buyer representation agreement?


Exclusive buyer representation agreements are usually executed if you have an unusual request as a buyer, certainly in commercial transactions where they have to search to find a particular piece of property.  If you are in need of finding a piece of property which needs to fit your particular needs, I would think that you would want to sign an exclusive buyer arrangement because they will have to do a lot of work to try and locate and find a particular property and they have a certain real estate commission.


If, however, you are simply in the market to buy a home and you are looking at the various listings, I would hesitate to sign an exclusive buyer arrangement, since you can look at any number of properties on your own or if other properties come up from other agents then you are certainly in a position to switch.


The other problem with exclusive buyer representation is if you become disenchanted with your agent, who is your exclusive agent, you have a difficult time in getting rid of them or having to pay them, particularly if there is a particular piece of property.  I would suggest that if you do not have any particular needs or specific type of property that is going to take great deal of research, you may not need to sign a buyer representation agreement.


If you have any questions give me a call at 727-847-2288.


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How much money is saved if you pay cash for a closing versus obtaining a mortgage?


If you are a cash buyer your customary closing cost consists of recording the deed, if you wish a survey, the cost of the survey, a home inspection, which I would recommend, but you would pay for the cost of the home inspection and any termite inspections.  Otherwise your only cost that you have would be the cost of recording the deed.


You would need to look at the contract closely to make sure that there’s no closing fee by the title agent when you look at the contract.  If you obtain a mortgage or go get a mortgage from an institutional lender, you are looking at probably spending a couple of thousand dollars with the lender in order to pay their processing fees and their appraisal fees and various costs and charges including the documentary stamps and intangible tax on the mortgage.


It is going to cost you at least a couple of thousand dollars to go through the financial lender.  If you have an owner financing; meaning the seller is financing the property for you, you would still have documentary stamps and intangible tax on the note and mortgage which is $5.50 per $1000 that you would have and some additional recording costs and possibly closing fees and title insurance.


You save a substantial amount of money if you pay cash at closing versus obtaining a mortgage particularly from an institutional lender.


If you have any questions about that give me a call at 727-847-2288.


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Can I finance a home for my children?


That has been something that’s been done for many, many years. Parents want to help out their kids and they sometimes take out a mortgage on their house in order to give their kids financing and they secure it with a note and mortgage.  Sometimes they do it so that if the child is married to someone that they are concerned about they will make sure that, if there’s a divorce or anything like that, that they are still protected to get their money back or they can afford to give a gift to the child.  That is something that has been going on for as long as I’ve been practicing law.


However Congress has now passed what is called the Dodd-Frank Act and it is very comprehensive; it is over 1,000 pages of legislation, and it is designed to control financial institutions in consumer financing.  Under this bill, they say that you have to comply with a qualified mortgage, which is a 30 year mortgage and has all sorts of requirements under it and interest rates that you must comply with, if you are going to provide financing to a third party; which would include your children.  This does not make any sense.


This does not apply to sellers who are selling their property and then taking back a note in mortgage; that is called a purchased money mortgage, and sellers can do that once a year.  It also does not comply with if its investment property and not their home.


In answer to your question is if you do do the financing for your children and your mortgage does not comply with Dodd-Frank it is subject to various penalties and I don’t know whether or not they would ever have a defense if they choose to assert it as to the enforceability or the penalties in a foreclosure action if you attempted to foreclose a mortgage that does not comply with Dodd-Frank.


They made it extremely difficult and it does not make any sense whatsoever and would hope that if you are frustrated by this you might want to write to your congressman or senator and suggest that the amendment be made to Dodd-Frank which would allow family members to lend money to other family members and not be subject to the regulation and the law under Dodd-Frank.  That is a very long answer and however it is unfortunate.


If you have any other questions I’ll try and answer them; about Dodd-Frank and owner financing.


My phone number is 727-847-2288.


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Will I owe any income tax if I sell my home for more than what I paid for it?  I have to ask a question of you to be able to answer it and the answer’s probably no.  Have you owned the property and resided in it for two out of the past five years?  If so, you can then exempt from any sale $250,000.00 and if you own it with another party or husband and wife, you can exempt up to $500,000.00.  The sale does not have to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service. However I believe on your tax return there is a box that you have to indicate whether you sold your residence.


You also have to state that you haven’t taken this exemption also in the past, I forget how many years, but you can’t double dip if it’s a second marriage or a second home or residence.  So usually you do not have to pay it, however if you have not owned it and lived in it for two out of the past five years and you sell your home, then you will have to pay long term capital gains on it if you’ve owned it for more than I believe it’s six months or a year.  But you do have to pay tax.  Unfortunately if you sell it for less then what you paid for it, well then you do not get to take a loss because it’s not an investment property.  You only have to pay on the gain.


Also this is a question that comes up many times when someone short-sells their property.  And so if you sell it for less than what you paid for it and then your lender gives you a 1099 of whatever the gain is, you can offset the whatever gain the lender gave you a 1099 for against the sales price and your loss so you won’t have any income tax liability and you also may be able to exempt the transaction under the two year living there and owning it for two out of the past five years.


So if you have any questions on it or want to sell your home, well give me a call at 727-847-2288.