Ask Thomas Mitchell: What Steps Do I Take to File for Guardianship of My Elderly Parents?
Video Summary
Good morning, my name is Tom Mitchell; I’m a partner with the law firm of Waller & Mitchell in downtown New Port Richey, Florida. I want to speak to you today a little bit about what you have to do if an elderly member of your family, a parent perhaps, starts to lose the ability mentally or physically to take of themselves. If your family’s fortunate and the parent has done the proper planning, they may have a Power of Attorney in place, which means that the trusted family member whose been given that power can act on their behalf, but if there is no Power of Attorney, it may be necessary to file a guardianship action on behalf of the person.
Now a guardianship action is a court proceeding and what happens is that you need an attorney and the attorney prepares certain documents that are known as pleadings and the pleadings state that we believe this senior individual is incapacitated, that’s the technical word, doesn’t mean they’re mentally unable, doesn’t mean they’re physically unable, but it’s some combination typically of both. They have had a decline in mentation and they have the usual problems of the aging process. So we file these pleadings, we describe what we think the problem is, we list who the doctor is, we list who the family members are and at that point, those papers get filed with the court, the court then appoints a medical committee, a three person committee to examine the individual and make a recommendation as to whether or not a guardianship is needed. The court also appoints an individual, an attorney, to represent the alleged incapacitated person, just to make sure that they’re not some nice little old person that we are trying to steal all their money, and by the way, if you’re thinking of that, don’t do it in a guardianship, because the court supervises guardians very closely.
If you need to file guardianship action on behalf of one your parents who may be declining in their later years, you can contact me at Waller & Mitchell and we’ll be glad to take care of it for you. This is Tom Mitchell with the law firm of Waller & Mitchell in New Port Richey, Florida.
- Published in Guardianship, Videos
Who Should I Appoint as My Healthcare Surrogate?
Video Summary
Who should I appoint as my healthcare surrogate? First, what is a healthcare surrogate? A healthcare surrogate is someone you appoint to make healthcare decisions for you and usually in the healthcare surrogate form, it’s whenever you’re unable to make healthcare decisions. That person should be someone who is close to you and understands your desires and wishes, certainly your spouse would be, I would think primary. If you don’t have a spouse or significant other, if you have a child that is particularly nurturing or helps you with your medical problems or appointments and is aware of it, I think that they would be a great candidate. Also if you have any one of your children or family or friends who are nurses who are involved in the healthcare profession.
I also put in, whenever I designate or fill out the healthcare surrogate form, what they call a HIPPA waiver, because this person will be the one that will be the point person for your relatives and friends who want to know how you’re doing, because the medical community cannot release information to anyone without a HIPPA waiver. We usually attach a HIPPA waiver to your healthcare surrogate form so that they will release medical information to your healthcare surrogate. Hopefully, that will give you some sort of guidelines. Certainly don’t name the healthcare surrogate as the same person as your Power of Attorney who will handle financial matters and that you would want to designate someone that has a little more business expertise and that may not be the same person.
If you would like to have a healthcare surrogate done or some estate planning, give me a call at 727-847-2288. Thank you.
- Published in Estate Planning, Videos
Can I Terminate a Notice of Commencement?
Video Summary
Can I terminate a Notice of Commencement? Before answering the question, I’d like to first talk about a Notice of Commencement and why we have notices of commencement. They are an integral part of the construction lien law in Florida. And it’s the owner’s responsibility to record this Notice of Commencement before starting construction. In fact, in order to get a building permit, you must have a Notice of Commencement recorded.
The Notice of Commencement gives everyone who works on the property the name of the owner of the property so that they can give them a notice to owner that they are working on the property. It also gives the contractors name and address so that they sub contractor can also give notice to the contractor that he is giving notice to the owner that he’s working on it. So this all ties into the owner then, having the responsibility to obtain a waiver from anyone that is working on the property that has given notice to owner.
So in order to terminate your Notice of Commencement, you obtain an affidavit from your contractor that says he has completed all the work or he has been paid for his services and he has paid all of his subcontractors and material men. So at that point you are then in a position to terminate the Notice of Commencement and you can rely upon the contractor’s final affidavit.
There are some other circumstances whenever you may want to terminate your Notice of Commencement in the event that you started construction or you filed a Notice of Commencement and then you got a mortgage. Now you have a problem because the liens revert back to the Notice of Commencement, so now you have a mortgage and the lender won’t close on it because you can’t give them clear title or first lien position because the liens revert make to the Notice of Commencement.
So there is a process whereby you can terminate the Notice of Commencement and then later file a new one. I don’t have enough time to talk about whenever a contractor goes bad and you terminate his services, on how to file a Notice of Recommencement after a termination of a contractor.
If you have any questions about Notice of Commencements, give me a call at (727) 847-2288. Thank you.
- Published in Real Estate, Videos