Video Summary
What is a prescriptive easement? A prescriptive easement arises when someone uses someone else’s property to travel across it to get to their property or to access something at another location. And they do this for a period of years, and I believe it’s seven, but I would have to double check that, but it has to be for an extended period of time and they keep going over the same trail or pathway. For this roadway or dirt road, for the prescribed period of time. And it has to be without the owner’s permission. And then after the required period of time, then the person can then file an action to have a prescriptive easement, which is to them so that they have a right to continue to use this easement as long as they want to. And the owner of the property has to allow them to continue to use their prescriptive easement. It’s very rarely do you see an action for prescriptive easement, but, and they’re difficult to prove but, that’s their criteria. And I’m not sure about the time period that the, prescriptive easement has to be used at virtually before you’re entitled to the habit judicially determined to be a prescriptive easement. If you have any questions about prescriptive easements, give me a call at (727) 847-2288.