Video Summary
Can a portion of a well be invalid? The answer is yes. it can be. One of the reasons I primarily see it being invalid is whenever you make out a will, husband and wife and you leave everything to your spouse, and then you later get divorced, the law provides that, portion of the will, where you left everything to your wife is ineffective. A divorce interprets the will as if the ex-spouse predeceased you. And it would go to the alternate beneficiaries. Another reason is, if you put some provision in your will as to your homestead property, and you don’t leave it outright to your spouse, or if you have minor children, you try and devise it to someone. That portion of your will may be invalid since the Florida constitution governs who you can leave your home to, what you can leave to and to whom. And so, that may be another reason why a portion of the will would be invalid. Another one, which we don’t see very often is whenever you have a device against public policy, an example of that says, well, I leave, $10,000 to my daughter provided that she does not get married. And so that would be a, the buys would still be valid, because that would be a provision against public policy. So if you have any questions, give me a call its (727) 847-2288.