Video Summary
How do I obtain a Will? I’m assuming that you want to know how you personally can obtain a Will to do your estate planning or designate who you wish to receive your assets as very simple as you simply contact a local attorney in whatever state and city you’re in and set up an appointment or contact them about preparing a Will, designating who you want to receive your assets. There are even other companies that you can contact to say that they can prepare those. I’m not a real big fan of that, but they are available. There is certain formalities that the Will must be executed in order for it to be valid, which sometimes may be a problem in using a technology company as far as that’s concerned or ordering the Will online. If you want to know how you could obtain a copy of someone else’s will, that’s a whole new problem. You’re not entitled to see the Will until they die, and then it is filed with the clerk of the court in whatever county they passed away. After it’s filed with the clerk of the court, it’s public records. If you have any questions, give me a call at (727) 847-2288.