Video Summary
Should you purchase insurance on vacant property? Most parties do not, purchase liability insurance for vacant property and they don’t have any liability for people, trespassing and going or using the property unless they’re leasing it out or somehow the property has some dangerous aspect to it. Or it could be an attractive nuisance such as, water, like a sinkhole or something like that. And so most people do not. However, if you choose to get it, it depends a lot on the character of the vacant property, if it’s simply a residential lot, then you probably don’t need to worry about it. Or if you do want to get liability insurance, you can simply ask if your, your insurance agent ensures your home, whether or not you could have that covered on the liability aspect of it .If you have other property that’s out and, or there’s some particular aspect of it that you’re concerned about, simply, you know, people using these MTVs are on all over it. If you have it fenced or whatever, if there’s something inherently dangerous about the property, then you may wish to go ahead and obtain liability insurance on the property so that if anyone is injured and they do decide to come after you because there was, there’s something dangerous about the property that you didn’t address, then you would be protected. I suggest you talk to your insurance agent about it, if you are concerned, call me at (727) 847-2288.