How Much Time is Involved in Setting Up a Will?
Video Summary
How much time is involved in setting up a will? Well, usually the time period consists of a conference wherein you meet with myself or an attorney and give him the information as to whom you would like to leave your assets upon your death, and further who you would like to be your executor. You need to have some idea of what assets you have and how they’re titled, and that drafting a will is incorporated in estate planning. Knowing how your assets are titled is important as far as knowing what the will will control since your will will not control jointly-owned assets, assets that are titled with a payable on death, life insurance or IRAs that have beneficiaries. After you have the estate planning conference, then you’ll later have to come back and sign your well.
We also discuss in our well conference a living will which says that you don’t want your life prolonged artificially. Also, a healthcare surrogate form where you authorize someone to receive health information too, as far as HIPAA is concerned, and to make medical decisions for you, as well as a durable power of attorney.
Give me a call if you’d like to do some estate planning and have a well-prepared my phone number’s (727) 847-2288.
Does the Landlord Have Responsibility of Hiring a Professional to Check for Mold if Mold is Suspected?
Video Summary
Does the landlord have responsibility of hiring professional check for mold,If mold is suspected? No, I don’t believe the landlord has that responsibility. If you believe the property has mold. Well, I think that you need to determine whether or not there isn’t fact mold as a tenant. If you find out that there is, or that there is a leakage, which you have to have moisture in order to have mold, you can give a notice under the landlord tenant act to the landlord that he has seven days in which to correct the problem, whether it be mold or simply a leak, if they don’t take care of the matter within seven days, then you have a right to terminate your tenancy, whether it be under a lease or whether it be on a month to month basis. And then you can go run a different place that doesn’t have these same problems. I realized this presents certain practical problems and also economic problems, but there is no obligation on the landlord’s part to do a higher professional determine whether or not there is mold present in the rental unit. If you have any questions, give me a call at (727) 847-2288
- Published in Real Estate, Videos
What is a Codicil?
Video Summary
What is a codicil? A codicil is an amendment to your will. Whenever you want to make a change in your will, rather than doing a whole new, well, you can have an amendment. My experience has been, however, is if you have a simple will, it’s easier just to go ahead and to redo the whole will, the cost is all is about the same because you have a conference, you have to come back in and sign it with the same formality as you did your will. So, it’s usually simpler, easier, and the same expense as far as doing them amendment. So that’s what a codicil is. If you have any questions about your will and on a codicil will give me a call at (727) 847-2288.
Do I Need to do Estate Planning Even if I Don’t Have Much Money?
Video Summary
Do I need to do estate planning, even if I do not have much money? The answer to that question is, yes. And that what money you do have, you want to be able to designate who you would like to receive it when ever you pass on. So, there’s a lot to estate planning other than just writing a will. A will I look at is basically a fallback position in the event that you have not properly planned your state for it to pass to whoever you would like your assets to go to the estate planning includes putting a designation on your bank accounts, to have them pay a belong death to whoever you would like to receive them. If you own real estate, even if it has a mortgage, you can sign a life estate deed whereby you can designate who would receive the property upon your death. This is called some in some circles called old lady bird deed. And these are simple ways to pass your assets on to whoever you’d like to receive them. Even though you don’t have a whole lot, you can do it and avoid having a probate. There’s also documents that go along with estate planning, such as the living will a healthcare surrogate and a durable power of attorney that you need to consider. Whenever you come in for an estate planning conference, my phone number is (727) 847-2288. Give me a call and I’ll be glad to talk with you about your estate plan
- Published in Estate Planning, Videos