How Do I Obtain a Detainer Warrant?
Video Summary
Do I obtain a detainer warrant? Under Florida law is called an unlawful detainer action. And this is an action that you bring. Whenever you have someone that’s staying in your property, such as a guest or a relative or whatever, and they don’t pay rent. They’re not a tenant and you want them to leave and they’re not leaving. And so ,what you do is you give them notice that you’re withdrawing your consent for them to stay there. And then if they still don’t leave, which usually is the case, then you can file in Florida. And I actually called an unlawful detainer action and say that we withdrawn my consent for you to stay on my property. And I want you to leave. There are precious few defenses of that primarily as if they have some ownership interest in the property. Well, you can’t remove them. Cause as an owner, they’re entitled to stay there, but otherwise you should be entitled to a judgment of possession. And then once the, of possessions entered, the clerk is directed to issue a writ of possession. And then the sheriff goes out and gives notice. And if they don’t leave, then the sheriff will then remove them. So the detainer warrant is not a term that I’m familiar with the unlawful detainer action, as I’ve described it as what we have in Florida, an order to remove persons from property whenever they are no longer, they’re not tenants. If you have any questions about unlawful detainer, my phone number is (727) 847-2288.
- Published in Real Estate, Videos
What if I Forgot to File My Florida Corporate Annual Report?
Video Summary
What if I forgot to file my Florida corporate annual report? Wow. That’s the bad news, is you can filed however the cost to reinstate your corporation, cause it will be administrative resolved as a hefty fine. I believe it’s $450, but it’s nothing that money won’t cure, but, that’s the remedy if you forgot to file it as a May 1st. Then if you file after that, you’re going pay a penalty which is to reinstate your corporation. So, it will no longer be administrative, dissolved. You have any questions about filing your annual report, give me a call at (727) 847- 2288.
- Published in LLC's and Corporations, Videos
Who Must File A Florida Corporate Annual Report?
Video Summary
Who must file a Florida corporate annual report. The annual report is required for all corporations to file, and I believe the time period is May 1st and also LLCs and other organized entities. And Florida must file an annual report and pay a fee, corporations as $150 a year. If you don’t pay them well, then the corporation may be administratively dissolved. All corporations have to pay the annual report or file an annual report and pay the fee. If you have any questions about your annual report, give me a call at (727) 847- 2288.
- Published in LLC's and Corporations, Videos
How Do I Protect My Assets From Medicaid in Florida?
Video Summary
How do I protect my assets from Medicaid in Florida? You’re not really protecting them from Medicaid. What you’re doing is, you must qualify for Medicaid in Florida, and that may require you to spend down or use your assets to pay for your own care until they reach a certain threshold. There are two guide. There’s an asset test and income test for married persons, which is quite generous. However, if you’re a single person, the qualify for Medicaid, the amount that you can have is truly a small amount. I think it’s about $5,000. However, one big benefit that we have in Florida is your home. If you have homestead exemption on your home, then that does not qualify as an asset and does not have to be sold or used, the money from it for your care or to qualify for Medicaid. The property can’t be rented, however, it’s not considered, an asset as far as qualifying for Medicaid. So that is a huge benefit. Also, there are certain trusts that you can set up called a Miller trust to help qualify you. So if you need to do some Medicaid planning to try to preserve some of your assets for your heirs, give me a call at (727) 847- 2288.
- Published in Medicaid Planning, Videos