What Are the Different Types of Probates?
Video Summary
What are the different types of probate in Florida? Well, Let’s start with the smallest types of probate. It’s called a distribution without administration. If you have paid the funeral bill and the bills of the deceit and the last 60 days of their life. And there is a bank account out there that is less than the amount that you paid for the funeral bill and those, you can go to the court with a death certificate, take the bills with you and show that you paid them and ask the probate clerk and ask that a letter be sent to the bank directing them to distribute the money to you. And that’s called a petition, distribution without administration. So that’s the lowest type or the minimum amount that you can use without going through a full probate proceeding.
There has been a recent statute and the last couple of years that talks about if there’s assets of $10,000 or less. And if you have all the heir state that they are, who the heirs are, and who’s entitled to it, and the decedent’s been dead for more than a year, and that all the creditors have been paid, then you can also proceed or check with the bank, or go to the court to get an order authorizing the distribution of that asset without going through a formal administration. Then at once we move up to the from that, we then go to what they call a, sum written ministration in the event that the assets of the decedent that are just in his name alone are $75,000 or less. And there are no creditors or provision is made to pay the creditors from the money. Then you can ask the court to enter an order of some written ministration. This is fairly quick and it requires all the beneficiaries of the estate, whether it be with a will or without a will, they sign this, and when they sign it, they say that they’re responsible for any of the bills. So even if they hadn’t they’re supposed to make probation for filing with the court and the court enters what they call an order of some written ministration as fairly easy to do. Of course, it varies from county to county and, and the county where I’m at, we can get this done in about 30 days. If you go down to Miami Dade county, they require you to send a notice to creditors out and that takes and wait, 3 months before you can file your petition for summary administration or get an order of some written and restoration.
So, it varied from county to county, but that’s the other type of administration. Then you have a formal administration and that’s where you petition the court and have a personal representative appointed. Many times people come to see me and they say, well, “the stock company says, well, we need to have letters”, what they’re asking for letters of administration. And that is a legal term. And that is the authority when the court signs letters of administration that gives the designated executor or now known as a personal representative, the authority to act. And so that is a formal administration. And that will take probably 6-9 months, depending on the complexity of the assets, the number of errors involved as far as that’s concerned, the unnoticed accreditors published and then the statutory period for creditors further claims takes, 3 months from the date of the first publication in the newspaper.
And notice must be given to any reasonably ascertainable creditor of the estate administration. There’s more to the formula administration, as far as that’s concerned. When determining whether or not the assets on a summary administration are applicable. You do not count the homestead property of the decedent if he left it to his heirs. So that would be something that would qualify or not count toward the $75,000. So, if you have a probate question about whether or not you need to file probate, or what type of probate you need to file, or the cost or time periods, we’ll give me a call at (727) 847-2288.
What Does It Mean When a Property IS REO?
Video Summary
What does it mean when a property is REO, REO stands for “real estate owned”. And it usually has to do with banks that have property, which they’ve acquired to a foreclosure. They’re taking it back from a borrower and as R E O property or “real estate owned” by the bank. And so that’s what REO stands for. So if you have any questions, give me a call at (727) 847-2288.
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How A Lawyer Can Help with Your Boundary Dispute?
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How can a lawyer help with a boundary line dispute? Well, lawyers are high price communicators, and soon as you say, there’s a dispute, well, that means you’re in an adversarial situation. And so you may not have any choice, but to have a lawyer. And hopefully the other side has a lawyer whenever I’m asked about these boundary line dispute. The first thing that I asked the party who calls me, I said, “do you have a survey?” And usually they say, yes, I said, “does the other party have a survey?” And so hopefully they do, if they don’t, well, then it’s very hard to resolve matters. But if there are surveys of the same boundary line and the surveyors do not agree, my suggestion is to have the surveyors, see if they can’t talk to each other to try and reconcile why there’s a difference. And if they can’t, we’ll see about asking the surveyors and the parties to agree, to have a third party surveyor be the arbiter to determine which survey is accurate to, to determine this rather than having to file a lawsuit to make that determination. And that’s very costly, and this is still gonna come down to expert testimony, which is going to be the third parties opinion, and that’ll cost a lot more money to resolve it. If the boundary line dispute comes as a result of either adverse possession or by boundary line by acquisition acquiescence those are really complicated, very factual, driven cases and very expensive cases. And so, that’s another basis for trying to determine the boundary line. If you have some questions about it give me a call at (727) 847-2288.
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What Is the Procedure for Foreign Sellers of Florida Residential Real Estate?
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What is the procedure for foreign sellers of Florida residential real estate? The buyer, the real estate agent and the closing, the agent are all responsible for withholding 15% of the gross selling price. One, a foreign or a non us taxpayer sells real estate in Florida. And I think that’s pretty well throughout the United States, on IRS regulation. If it is residential real estate and it is value in the price is less than $300,000 then. And the buyer is going to reside on the property, for six months, for the following two years, six months in each of the following two years. And we’ll sign an affidavit that they’re a US taxpayer and that they’re going to stay on the property and the value, and the purchase price is less than $300,000 and they sign the affidavit or form. Then every one’s excused from withholding the 15%, if the 15% is withheld, it is sent to the Internal Revenue Service and the foreign person can then file a tax return to see about getting a refund in the event that they’ve overpaid for their taxes. And that can be controlled by various treaties between the United States and whatever country the foreign person is from, uh, also how much they paid for the property. So, uh, there’s any number of things that they can possibly get their 15% back there’s, it is difficult and that they have to get a taxpayer ID number, which is a difficult task or a cumbersome task, to do that in order to file the tax return. There’s also a procedure by which they can apply ahead of time to have the transaction exempted, or limit the amount of money that has to be paid depending on the, how much they paid for the property and that they do not have any gain. So, if you’re wanting to sell your property, and you’re not, you’re not a US taxpayer will give me a call and I’ll be glad to work with you as far as getting the sale and seeing what we can do about, not having to report it, or if you have to report it, the process that’s involved. My phone number is (727) 847-2288.
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Does the Waterfront Property Have Riparian Rights? Can The Buyer Build into the Waterway For A Dock Or Other Structure?
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Does the water front property have riparian rights? Can the buyer build into the waterway for a dock or other structures? Real estate that borders on navigable waters is entitled to riparian rights or littoral rights. They’re basically the same littoral rights gave you a right to build a dock also to your rights are so that your neighbor cannot obstruct your view of the property. Your right to construct a dock is also governed by various governmental entities, as far as getting a permit. I know in Pasco county, they and various canals, they have building setback lines that extend out into the canals so that you have to comply with those. Whenever you build the dock, also you have to get if it’s a commercial dock or a very large dock, you have to get a permit from the department of environmental protection. Also when you construct the dock, you cannot obstruct your neighbors, right to access the channel or use the waterways. Speaking of the water, everyone has a right to public. Everyone has a right to, float their boat or to swim in the water. And that’s something that the right and the public that is held by the state. So someone can float their boat right up next to your dock. And if they can get in the water and it’s navigable, they can use the water and you can’t do anything about it. So those are some of your riparian rights, particularly when it comes to building a dock, you need to be sure you get your permits involved and you don’t want to build something that blocks your neighbor’s view or their access to the channel. If you have any questions about riparian rights, you can call me at (727) 847-2288.
- Published in Real Estate, Videos